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Normal Pulse Rate of Human Beings
Average Beats per Minute (at Rest)
- Unborn Child: 140 to 150
- Newborn Infants: 130 to 140
- During first year: 110 to 130
- During second year: 96 to 115
- During third year: 86 to 105
- 7 to 14 years: 76 to 90
- 14 to 21years: 76 to 85
- 21 to 60 years: 70 to 75
- After 60th year: 67 to 80
Additional Information about Pulse Rate
- Pulse rate rises normally during excitement, after physical exertion and during digestion.
- Pulse rate is also influenced by breathing rate.
- The pulse rate is generally more rapid in females.
- Variation of one degree of temperature above 98 F is approximately equivalent to a rise of 10 beats in pulse rate. Temperature 98 F. corresponds to pulse of 60 per minute. So, Temperature 99 F will correspond to pulse of 70 per minute and so on. Then, temperature 104 F will correspond with pulse of 120 per minute.