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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Best Brain Foods

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Best Brain-booster Foods
  1. Avocado: Rich in vitamin E- an important antioxidant.
  2. Blueberries: Rich antioxidant. Builds healthy connections between brain cells.
  3. Broccoli: Contains antioxidants like vitamin C and brain-protecting plant compounds known as carotenoids.
  4. Curry: Contains spices that reduce inflammation. Its ingredient curcumin is effective at clearing away proteins called amyloid plaques that can cause serious brain problems.
  5. Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa has a good amount of of brain-boosting elements. It is also a good antioxidant. Dark chocolate boosts your serotonin to keep you happy. Contains just about OK level of caffeine to keep you alert.
  6. Green and black tea: Rich source of catechines (antioxidants). Keep a check on frequency of drinking tea to not more than two to three cups a day since it contains caffeine.
  7. Oily fish: Salmon, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega 3 fatty acids- essential for increasing brain function. Improves cognitive strength and alertness.
  8. Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain lots of zinc and magnesium which are brain-boosters.
  9. Water: Every cell in the body needs water to remain healthy. Drinking enough water helps in boosting the brain power.
  10. Wholegrain food: Increases cognitive function. Folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 found in whole grains help in improving the memory.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Earth's Extremes

Ten Earth's Extremes
  1. Hottest Place: Dalol, Danaki Depression, Ethiopia, Annual average temperature 34.4 C
  2. Coldest Place: Plateau Station, Antarctica, Annual average temperature -56.7 C
  3. Wettest Place: Mawsynram, India, Asia, Annual average rainfall 1143 centimeters
  4. Driest Place: Atacama Desert, Chile, Rainfall barely measurable
  5. Highest Waterfall: Angel, Venezuala, 979 meters
  6. Largest Gorge: Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona, USA, 466 kilometers long along river, 183 meters to 29 kilometers wide, about 1.6 kilometers deep
  7. Deepest Gorge: Hells Canyon, Snake River, Idaho-Oregon, USA, 2408 meters
  8. Longest Reef: Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 2012 kilometers
  9. Greatest Tides: Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, 16 meters
  10. Most Predictable Geyser: Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National park, Wyoming, USA, It erupts at an average annual interval of 63 to 73 minutes
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    Principal Islands and Their Areas

    Sl No   Name of Island                                          Area (Sq KM)

    1.         Greenland (North America)                           2175600
    2.         New Guinea                                                  792500
    3.         Borneo (Asia)                                                725500
    4.         Madagascar (Africa)                                       587000
    5.         Baffin (North America)                                    507500
    6.         Sumatra (Asia)                                              427300
    7.         British Isles (Europe)                                     227581
    8.         Honshu (Asia)                                               227414
    9.         Victoria (North America)                                 218100
    10.       Ellesmere (North America)                              212687
    11.       Sulawesi (Asia)                                             178700
    12.       South Island (New Zealand, Australia)             151000
    13.       Java (Asia)                                                    126700
    14.       North Island (New Zealand, Australia)              114000
    15.       Newfoundland (North America)                        111390

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    Major Waterfalls and Their Heights

    Sl No     Name of Waterfall                   Height in Meters

    1.           Angel Venezuela                                 979
    2.           Tugela, South Africa                            853
    3.           Yosemite, California USA                     738
    4.           Mardalsfossen, Norway                       655
    5.           Sutherland, New Zealand                     589
    6.           Reichenbach, Switzerland                    548
    7.           Wollomombi, Australia                        518
    8.           Ribbon, California USA                        491
    9.           Gavarnie, France                                422
    10.         Tyssefallene, Norway                           414
    11.         Krimmi, Austria                                   370
    12.         King George VI, Guyana                      366
    13.         Silver Strand, California USA                358
    14.         Jog (Gersappa), India                          253
    15.         Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Zambia    108
    16.         Niagara Falls (USA, Canada)                51

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    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    Principal Lakes

    Major Lakes: Their Areas and Depths

    Sl No     Name of Lake                                             Area (Sq KM)     Greatest Depth (M)

    1.           Caspian Sea (Salt) (Asia-Europe)                  371000                  1025
    2.           Superior (Fresh Water) (North America)           82100                    406
    3.           Victoria (Africa)                                              69485                     82
    4.           Aral Sea (Asia)                                              68682                     76
    5.           Huron (North America)                                    59596                   223
    6.           Michigan (North America)                                58016                   281
    7.           Tanganyika (Africa)                                         32893                  1470
    8.           Baikal (Asia)                                                  31492                  1620
    9.           Great Bear (North America)                             31328                    446
    10.        Malawi (Africa)                                                 23310                   695

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    Oceans and Seas

    Oceans and Major Seas and Their Areas

    Sl No      Name of Ocean/Sea    Area in Thousand Sq KM

    1.            Pacific Ocean                 165384
    2.            Atlantic Ocean                 82217
    3.            Indian Ocean                   72481
    4.            Arctic Ocean                   14056
    5.            Mediterranean Sea           2506
    6.            South China Sea              2318
    7.            Bering Sea                       2269
    8.            Caribbean Sea                 1943
    9.            Gulf of Mexico                 1544
    10.          Sea of Okhotsk               1528
    11.          East China Sea                1248
    12.          Yellow Sea                      1243
    13.          Hudson Bay                    1233
    14.          Sea of Japan                   1008
    15.          North Sea                        575
    16.          Black Sea                        461
    17.          Red Sea                          438
    18.          Baltic Sea                        422    

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    Continents and Their Areas

    Sl No       Name of the Continent      Area (Sq KM)

    1.             Asia                                     44250000
    2.             Africa                                   30264000
    3.             North America                      24397000
    4.             South America                     17793000
    5.             Antarctica                            13209000
    6.             Europe                                10453000
    7.             Australia                                8923000

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